Employer/ Beneficiary: Building-Development Holding EOOD/ Municipality of Shumen
Implementation period: 06/2014 – 04/2017
- Design parameters:
- The project include:
– Partial reconstruction the mechanical stage and construction of:
– Biological stage;
– Sludge line;
– Gas line; - WWTP with capacity of 132 000 PE and Qav.d.= 26 741 m³/h, with nitrogen and phosphorous removal, discharge into a “sensitive zone” receiver;
- Anaerobic sludge stabilization (anaerobic digester) with utilization of produced biogas;
Performed activities:
- Detailed design by all design parts;
- Design supervision;
- As-built documentation;
- Instructions for tests, start up and commissioning;
Investment value of the project: 12 271 000 € (without VAT)