
List of publications

1. Klaus Robrecht Buck, Krasimira Kuzmanova, Ivan Sekoulov (2000), Treatment of water from food industry – examples from Bulgaria and Germany, Fifth scientific practical conference – BNAWQ, 22 – 24 February, Sofia, Bulgaria;

2. Krasimira Kuzmanova, Grigor Mihailov, Ivan Sekoulov (2001), Membrane dozing facilities for reagents dozing for waste water and water treatment, third International Black sea Conference “Environmental Protection, coastal areas technologies”, 6-8 June, Varna, Bulgaria;

3. Ivan Sekoulov, Krasimira Kuzmanova, R. Grigorov, Stefan Saiferd-Brinke, (2001), New waste water treatment plant for tourist villages Varvara and Sinemorec, Third Inernational Black sea Conference “Environmental Protection, coastal areas technologies”, 6-8 June, Varna, Bulgaria;

4. Claus Robrech-Buck, Krasimira Kuzmanova, Ivan Sekoulov, (2001), Small wastew water treatment plants for coastal areas, Third Inernational Black sea Conference “Environmental Protection, coastal areas technologies”, 6-8 June, Varna, Bulgaria;/a>

5. Krasimira Kuzmanova, Grigor Mihailov, Ivan Sekoulov, (2002), Problems and solutions with applying membrane dozing facilities, Seventh scientific practical conference – BNAWQ, 20-22 February, Sofia, Bulgaria;/a>

6. Krasimira Kuzmanova, (2002), decentralized waste water treatment with re-usage of water, International scientific practical conference “Management, Technologies and efficiency of water treatment and water services”, 28-30 May, Sofia, Bulgaria;

7. Krasimira Kuzmanova, Grigor Mihailov, Ivan Sekoulov, (2001, 2002), Membrane dozing facilities for reagent dozing for waste water and water treatment, Water Science and Technology (IWA Publishing), Vol. 46, No 8, pp 105 – 110;/a>

8. Krasimira Kuzmanova, Ivan Sekoulov (2003), Chemical dozing for waste water treatment through membranes, International scientific practical conference “Membranes and membrane technologies” – March, Aachen, Germany;/a>

9. Krasimira Kuzmanova, Dobromir Simidchiev, Ivan Sekoulov (2004), New Technologies and Flexible Technological Schemes for WWTP, Water for People Magazine, Bulgaria;/a>

10. Krasimira Kuzmanova, Ivan Sekoulov (2006), Recovery and re-usage of industrial waste water, Eleventh Scientific and Practical Conference – Water Quality Technologies and Management In Bulgaria, 22 – 24 February 2006, Sofia, Bulgaria;

11. Krasimira Kuzmanova, (2006), Constructed wetlands as means to treat wastewater. Possibility for reuse. Seminar on Environment – The role of ecosystems in the implementation of the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) – Organised by – EU comission (TAIEX) in co-operation with MOEW, Bulgaria, 29-30 June 2006, Varna, Bulgaria;

12. Krasimira Kuzmanova, Ivan Sekoulov (2009), The need of training of waste water treatment plant operators also to take into operation and optimization the biological stage (for Nitrification and Denitrification); Third International Conference BULAQUA 2009, 27-28 May 2009, Sofia, Bulgaria;

13. Krasimira Kuzmanova, Ivan Sekoulov (2009), Problems with the waste water treatment in Bulgaria (administrative, technical and financial) – WWTP maintenance view; Implementation of training course and training measures for the establishment of decentralised waste water treatment in Bulgaria 2009, 09-13 November 2009, Sofia, Bulgaria;

14. Ivan Sekoulov (2009), Technological aspects of the submerged biofilm reactors applied in the industrial and domestic wastewater treatment, International Conference UACEG 2009: Science and Practice, 29-31 October 2009, UACEG, Sofia, Bulgaria;

15. Krasimira Kuzmanova (2011), Problems with the newly built WWTP with suspended biomass dimensioned for “sensitive areas” with complete removal of organic pollution (BOD5), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), Fourth International Conference “Development of water sector – challenges and opportunities”, BULAQUA 2011, 13 – 14 April 2011, Sofia, Bulgaria;

16. Ivan Sekoulov (2011), An attempt to design a four season treatment plants for “sensitive zones”, with high requirements for N- and P- removal, international conference BULAQUA 2011, „Water Sector Development – Challenges and Opportunities”, 13 – 14 April’ 2011, Sofia, Bulgaria;

17. Krasimira Kuzmanova (2012), Terms and conditions for effective implementation of business projects, International Conference “Problems with implementation of european funds and ways of their solution”, Bulgarian Construction Chamber in partnership with the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works, Ministry of Environment and Water and the National Association of Municipalities in the Republic of Bulgaria, May ‘2012, Pravets, Bulgaria;

18. Krasimira Kuzmanova (2013), Determination of the Retention Time for Nitrification and Denitrification in the Biological Reactors, Scientific and Practical Conference “Challenges in the construction and operation of WWTP” organized by the Bulgarian Construction Chamber and Bulgarian Water Association, November 26, 2013, hall “Sredets”, “Sheraton”, Sofia;

19. Ivan Sekoulov, Krasimira Kuzmanova (2013), Uncertainties in dimensioning of biological reactors with one activated sludge system for BOD5, ammonia and phosphorous removal from the domestic wastewaters, Scientific and Practical Conference “CHALLENGES IN THE CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION OF WWTP” organized by the Bulgarian Construction Chamber and Bulgarian Water Association, November 26, 2013, hall “Sredets”, “Sheraton”, Sofia;

20. Krasimira Kuzmanova (2014), Determination of the retention time of nitrification and denitrification in aeration tanks, Practical seminar and discussion 09 April 2014, WWTP, Sofia, Bulgaria;

21. Krasimira Kuzmanova, Ivan Sekoulov (2016), New method of optimization of municipal and industrial wastewater treatment plants (WWTP), Eighth international conference BULAQUA 2016 “Innovative solutions for effective water and sewerage services”, BWA, April 5’ 2016, Inter Expo center, Sofia, bul. “Tsarigradsko shosse” 147, Sofia, Bulgaria;

22. Krasimira Kuzmanova (2016), The role of designers in the context of previous and future periods of OPE and RDP, Sixth National Conference of BWA (Bulgarian Water Association) and BCC (Bulgarian Construction Chamber), OP “Environment” and Rural Development Program 2014-2020, 22 November 2016 , Sredets Hall, Sofia Balkan Hotel, Bulgaria;

23. Krasimira Kuzmanova (2017), Ways to achieve the energy efficiency of wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) by implementing a new method for their optimization, Scientific & Technical Union/ 31.05.2017, 105 Rakovski Str., Sofia, Bulgaria;

24. Krasimira Kuzmanova (2019), Treatment of Radioactively Contaminated Mine Waters – Problems and Challenges, International Jubilee Scientific Conference 70th anniversary FHE of the UACEG-Sofia, 7-8 November 2019, Sofia, Bulgaria.